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Good GOD yes.
I'd love to get one. Hell, I'd love to get a few. But if I don't make the cut, I think there'll be life after IHC.
Worst case scenario is you pick one up a couple months later for a hundred bucks more than the initial offering. Or just buy one on Gunbroker. They're not exactly rare, just somewhat pricey compared to a SA FG.
The fact is, if they have less than 50 or 100, they'll all probably go to auction. If they have 100-500 or so, they'll probably just go to the stores like the recent Win-13s...with little fanfare, just a "surprise" for those who make the trek to the stores. If they've got a couple thousand, they'll go to mail order/stores like everything else. Look at the recent bolt guns, for as much bitching as there was prior to the October offering, there were still some decent bolt guns on the shelves last month.
I've been stocking up on IHC parts for the last year or two. I'll buy what the CMP lets me, correct them, then dump the extra parts I have on Ebay for 5x what they're actually worth to the idiots who don't know any better.
Wow, am I in a sour mood all of a sudden, haha...the girlfriend's in a bitchy mood, so I'm taking it out on the forums.
They grow up with the government telling them they're entitled, so they act like they're entitled.
I guess I have too many other hobbies. Some folks take their collection way too seriously.
Wihout looking.. that has to be the IHC thread?
I SHOULD want one,but Post war MFGR M1's just don't "do it"for me.Perhaps Someday this will change?
Same here, the postwar guns don't have the same "romantic aura" as the WW2 guns. I've got a few, they make for great shooters and good looking examples, but I've never felt any real passion about them...just a hole in the collection to fill.
I picked up an IHC receiver and built it into a gun. I grew up around farms, so I think it's neat, but not an area of collecting I'll ever really get much into.
The Korean Era Guns (4.2 or 4.3) should be welcomed along with the vaulted WW2 Rifles.
I may be alone, but the grotesquely nice run of the 4.7, 5.5 & 5.6 HRA's and 5.4 and 5.8 SA's just about killed hunting for nice rifles....there were just so darn many. As time goes on, and those rifles get tucked away or parted may want a nice example of s Post-War MAP loaned Time-Capsule M1. :)
"It isn't fair", hmm, what sort of organization, which sucks from and kills its host, would use that phrase all the time? Hmm, hmm, could it be a #@!^%?
Is "#@!^%" code for uNION?