I hate a damn tick...
Got back from the ER at 1 am last night. Have had a bunch of ticks on me this turkey season. Have been using 40% DEET pretty heavily after finding the first few ticks.
Yesterday I woke up sore all over and my knees joints were hurting. Didn't think much of it other than it was odd. As the day continued (IDPA match) my right knee got worse and I had even less energy.
At dinner my wife convinced me to go to the ER since the doc in the box places weren't open. Knew early treatment is important for the antibiotics to work. Figured it was a tick borne disease and I needed some meds.
Since I wasn't a priority case I had to wait to get blood drawn, but eventually they got to me. Had some super iv ibuprofin for the joint pain and some fluids. DR wasn't too concerned about RSMF or Lyme's but more likely one of the other tick borne diseases. Have a scrip for doxycyclene or something like that.
One damn little bug just spent a bunch of money and killed a lot of my time!!!
On a side note I shot pretty well at the match... will try to post the videos from the gopro.
I'm kinda alergic to those little SOB's
Wood ticks give me a lump for a month or better.
Didn't find any this season.???$auto$
Sorry You had to go through that because of a dirty pos.Hope You are fully recovered soon.
Sorry to hear about your bad tic luck. Is the Doc running tests to positively rule out lyme desease? That's some bad stuff!!
Wow.. That sucks bigtime.... a friend of mine got RMSF from a tick bite last summer. It was pretty nasty.
Just to make a point though, there are less ticks on rifle ranges than in turkey country! :)
The ER doc said I should finish the 10 day cycle of antibiotics and continue to watch for any signs/symptoms. If it was Lyme's or RMSF the meds should take care of it completely.
The first dose of antibiotics they pushed through the IV already knocked down the welt on my thigh and the joint pain is gone. I'm still tired but not nearly as much as yesterday.
Dan, you're right of course... but the SR targets don't gobble!!!
After IDPA my friend (who also shoots Garands with me) had his .22 S&W15. We took it to the 100yd rimfire range and shot some offhand at a gong. LOVE the instant feedback when you hit it. I'd guess the gong was less than 18"x18". It looked slightly bigger than the black over the front sight post on the SR/SR-1. I'd like to go back and do that more for the standing practice.
They should have never banned DDT!
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
I've been treating all of my WWII reenactment/airsoft uniforms with Permithrin. I spend a lot of time crawling around in the woods and haven't had a tick on me in several years. Works great for mosquito's too.
It sure beats having to smear DEET all over your body and getting on things that will melt from coming in contact with it. The stuff lasts through 6 wash cycles, so it doesn't have to be done every time you go out.