Sorry, to have forgotten, But has Tim had his hands operated on yet? OG.
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Sorry, to have forgotten, But has Tim had his hands operated on yet? OG.
On or about November 15 for first hand.
I know it is tough to wait...My torn rotator cuff and shoulder surgery took forever to get done..then the recovery, but at least it will be better..
By your statement about the shoulder, I gather that Your Hands are really giving a bad time or a lot of Pain?? Bummer about the hunting time, But , I am Living Proof that a Hunter can get by for a Season, with-out hunting..But, It helps to just go sit in the woods and admire nature...I just had the jaw work started yesterday..Two bad teeth drilled and one filled, then a temp cap was was very temporary, I flipped it off wiping my gums, about two hours later..First time one ever came off that easy..I wondered if it cost extra for re-fitting..My share of payment $800.00 per cap... hurting my wallet too...