Are there 308 M1 Garand Stainless Steel barrels available on the market?
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Are there 308 M1 Garand Stainless Steel barrels available on the market?
I think Fulton used to have some. Perhaps I dreamed it. I do know that years ago I put a few on for people.
I know I've seen a few out there but now that I go search for one they've all disappeared.
I just checked Kreiger and their Garand barrel offering isn't stainless. Did you check with the other big manufacturers?
I've check and search to no avail. Though I am convinced I saw some years ago. Thanks for your help.
I talk to Jim quite a bit and it appears he has all the remaining Wilson M1 barrels....Here's his link on GB
He also posts quite often on the CMP site.
So... what are you building anyway?
Thanks for info I'll look it over.
I'm in the phase of collecting parts for a Garand build. I have two pristine 1941 & 1944 receivers which I bought 10 years ago from CMP (Refinished, no pitting etc.. mint really). I've been focusing on buying NOS or newer parts if possible to match the receiver years. If I have too many problems I'll just get parts as new as possible. I'll get new stock hardware. Ultimately If have the rifle built. This said, I like SS barrels and had a M1A built in 2004 with a SS barrel and laminated stock. Currently I am hesitating between a standard size M1 or Mini-G at first. I think a SS barrel and laminate stock on a mini-G would look quite nice (My current 308 M1 Garand has a laminate stock).
I like your ideas! Good luck.
It will be impossible to find many if any NOS 41 and 44 Garand parts Used 1941 Flush Nut sights alone will cost your $600-650 Why bother looking anyway if you are going to install a commercial barrel? Post War NOS parts are available and would be my choice for building shooters
If you decide you want NOS Post War parts PM me, good luck with your build