I guess aloreman doesn't like Battle Tested very much.
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I guess aloreman doesn't like Battle Tested very much.
I don't know what to say. 1. If I buy a Curio firearm and leave it original, then sell it, there is not manufacturing. 2. If I buy a firearm, and modify it, then sell it, I am now manufacturing. I had to get my manufacturers license for the sole reason of making the Mini-G and the mag fed versions if I first buy and then sell the firearm.
Now, when someone else sends me a rifle to be modified for their use, that's Gunsmithing.
It saddens me that there are people who are so savagely mean in their remarks, so certain that they are right, so vicious in standing for their truth, and then they are WRONG.
FYI, I originally had an FFL 01. I had told the ATF that I was making the Mini-G, parkerizing, blah blah. During my first inspection, the ATF agent saw what I was doing and said that I was manufacturing. I had to immediately, on the spot, apply and get my FFL 07 manufacturing. aloreman may be right, aloreman may be smarter than anyone else. This doesn't change the fact that the ATF says he's wrong and the ATF is the agency that writes the fines. I fill out a manufacturers report every year. You go over the 50, excise tax 10%. End of story.
As to the circus tent, YEE HAA!
By the way, here's a link with the 50 gun exemption listed.
This is called the small manufacturers exemption. I have no idea why this aloreman has such disdain for everything Shuff. I have no idea why when he voices his "facts" that he takes such absolute positions on things. Nobody knows everything and there is always more than one way to skin a cat. That is unless you are talking politics and ones' personal freedoms :)
I met and talked to aloreman at a couple of shoots. He does think he knows everything and is never wrong.
Now, I just try to avoid him. At the matches where we shot, he did rack up some decent scores, so I guess
that helps feed his ego.
Well, I've noticed a bunch in this business have big ego's. I try to stay low key about Garand Knowledge (whatever that is). Take a page from Gus Fisher or Roland Beaver, guys who actually know stuff and don't speak in absolutes ( the two did get in one pissing match over red loctiting barrels). This hobby, business, whatever we call it, shouldn't be about one upping the next guy. I heard it said years ago on Jouster, believe it or not "we gun guys tend to eat our own." It's damn true.
I see Eli posted that refinishing a firearm for sale is manufacturing. Eli is correct. Take a look at this link https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/at...ter-7/download
Is there a loophole aloreman knows about? I don't know but if there is I'd like to know it. Here's the vital information from the link I gave.
7.2.2 “Manufacturing”. “Manufacturing” is not defined by the law, regulations, or any formal ATFruling. Nevertheless, the term has been interpreted by ATF to cover activities other than producing afirearm from scratch. As interpreted by ATF, the term covers virtually any work performed on a firearmduring the process of preparing the firearm for subsequent sale. For example, a person having a contractwith a manufacturer to apply finishing or other work on firearms, or firearms frames or receivers, toprepare them for subsequent sale by the manufacturer would be a “manufacturer” required to qualify assuch. Of course, if the person produced firearms parts other than frames or receivers for themanufacturer or performed work on firearms parts not defined as “firearms,” the person would not be a“manufacturer.”
Always great information here.
It had been a little quite lately. :)
Interesting exchange to say the least over on the CMP site. Reminds me why there is "a list".
I saw that comment and wondered what he would know about it? Has he ever visited this forum? If he did what was his username? How did he come away form the visit with this opinion?
I bet he knows nothing.
Loreman is a simple case of "his ego is much larger than his knowledge base". We see it over there all the time. Anyone else notice that the worst offenders tend to by big GCA supporters?