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Please, I do NOT do business with thieving democrat commies
It very clearly says that I do not do business with oboombya fans on my order page. I am not going to enable democrat gun owners who want to have their cake and eat it too. You cannot on one hand vote for legislators who want to ban firearms and then on the other hand want to own a firearm. I will not be a party to providing services to those who want me out of business by the actions of their vote.
Recently, a subhuman emailed me to park some shotgun parts for a Mossberg 500. It said that it did not understand my web site. I asked some simple questions to make sure that the prospective customer only sent carbon steel for parkerizing. The subhuman then had a tissy fit and told me that if I did not know enough about the 500 then it did not want me working on it. Well, I suspected that the 500 receiver was made from Aluminum and I was right, that's why I ask such questions. This got me thinking about the subhumans vocabulary and insulting nature so I looked it up on the internet and found out that it was a registered democrat in Orlando Florida. I then told it that I now understand why it can't understand... it's a damn thieving democrat!
After many more back and forths, it went on about how it may have been a bit rash or harsh until finally, after I kept calling it a thieving democrat, it finally gave up and admitted to it. My final email from it is below. Please, if you are a communist, socialist, democrat, thief, find a communist, socialist, democrat, thief to work on your shitty firearm!
I can't be more clear then my web site, I will NOT knowingly work with those who vote to take our freedoms! This sort of creature also brings other problems to the table, they are rude, evil, not able to be pleased, self loathing, and generally are just not good to be around.
Attachment 2432