I feel like a sucker. Aside from the Bavarians, every CMP carbine I received was a huge disappointment. Anyone else feel the same?
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I feel like a sucker. Aside from the Bavarians, every CMP carbine I received was a huge disappointment. Anyone else feel the same?
Never got a Bavarian but my Inland and Underwood were real nice.
Why so unhappy?
I bought one of the $419 Inlands. I had to send it back with a bent barrel. The one the replaced it with, after 6 weeks, wont feed for shit and is just a big a POS as the 1st one. It was only $419 though...
I cannot complain.
Every carbine that I got was hand picked at the CMP South and North Stores.
What did frost my ass is the gangs of assholes that come in large groups and circle the racks everytime the new load of carbines was released. These pricks make it hard for anyone to get into the rack to look at anything until they are done cherry picking through the rack.
During one trip I got so damn frosted that I intentionally bumped into one of the turds real hard and inserted myself into the frenzy. ( I did say excuse me...LOL)
Once they grab all of the sweet carbines they would put them into a corner with a guard dog to protect the booty. Then proceed to clamer about which ones they wanted to buy.
From there it would get even worse. These clowns would spend the next few hours sitting and milling around switching parts and making correct rifles. They would do it in a way that the CMP guys could not really tell they were swithching out parts and thought they were just checking the internals.
Well that said. I fired off to Orest and the end came to sitting at the tables and checking your rifle. The notes went up at the stores that anyone caught switching parts would be removed from the store and banned for life.
I even busted one guy who flat out told me that he was purchasing all of the carbines to sell at a gun show in Birmingham on Saturday.
This asshole cleared out a entire rack of Inlands within minutes while customers were forced to wait till the CMP reloaded the rack.
It was not the fact that he was selling the rifles but the attitude and bragging about not caring about anything but making a huge profit.
Hope my rant is not too far off topic just frost my ass. SORRY!
Kudos to you sir!
I witnessed everything but the parts switching on the 2 or 3 trips to the SS. 2 regulars would zip in grab 5, 6 or more (as many new rifles as were in the racks) and pile them in the corner by the counter. They would take their time and break down the interesting ones. My order was generally processed before they were called to the counter so I have no idea how many were taken home. I'm guessing quite a few.
At the Eastern Games a guy gathered 3 of the best FG SA's out of the 5 or 6 on the table and was really taking his time trying to decide which he was going to purchase. After 5 minutes of hemming and hawing about the decision I asked (politely) if I could look at one with good muzzle readings and WW2 serial number. I was looking to buy a friend his first shooter and this one had what I was looking for. He handed it to me and I promptly gave it to the guys behind the table and said, "I'll take it". Did I feel bad? Not all all. There were only 6 rifles on the table at the time and he had half the inventory tied up. It was time to shit or get off the pot!
I got an Inland by mail and 2 IBM's at the north store. I'm happy with all of them. The only thing I replaced on all of them were the stocks ans handguards.
My carbine was a private purchase NPM in very good condition. I got in too late to the game to get anything from CMP.
Can't that $400 one get a little smithing and a repark? I'm sure it can be made to function well and keep you happy. If not, I'll take it off your hands :D
I know I'll probably catch hell for this, but....
I'd love to get a carbine some day. I like them a lot. Having said that, I can't seem to understand why they command the some of the prices that they do. I could see an all-original WW2 carbine going for quite a bit, but not some beater that's built out of parts from eight different makers, that looks like it was dragged down a pothole-riddled asphalt road for twelve miles. I just can't see it.
Am I wrong? Am I just being a cheap bastard, or am I thinking along the right lines?
I love the little carbine. I purchased my first one from a 5 and dime store called Woolworths back in the early 1970's for something like 75 bucks. It was a rough shot out Inland.
Back in the 1980 and early 90's carbines were stacked on gunshow tables like cordwood. The asking prices were around 125 bucks. Stocks were often offered for sale from trash cans where they were jamed in like old baseball bats.
Carbines are way over priced. So the prices have skyrocketed in a little over 10 years and I don't see the prices dropping.
I have an ad from Centerfire Systems when they were selling carbines and parts. The prices are low. I will see if I can post the ad.