Is an M1 with Greek "park", an Anniston installed barrel, and re-staked scope mount screws worth 3 large? Not to me.
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Is an M1 with Greek "park", an Anniston installed barrel, and re-staked scope mount screws worth 3 large? Not to me.
Would there be a linky link to this fine example?
MY CMP SA SG is a greek park. I don't like it. Some day Shuffwill get it....
Not me either. I got sucked in by the first offering of the "Ds" and paid $2,200.00 only to see the price drop to $1,500.00. I will wait and see.
No, not to me.
When a Garand gets priced over $800-$1000 it really has to be something truly special for me to even consider it. I think these guys spending 10's of k's on gas traps are crazy. I think the Garand bubble is going to pop soon. I've said it before over on the3 CMP forum, maybe on the old BT, but once the cheap suplus ammo is gone the interest will wane quickly. Once the CMP is out of Garands, the price will increase for a year or so then drop like a rock.
The next generation of gun owners isn't really into Garands like we are. They are more into the black rifles and fancy carbines with all the crazy accessories. Sure there are a few here and there, but they do not display near the interest we do. I've lent my Garands out to young AR shooters, almsot all say they put it away after the first clip because they didn't like the recoil.
So what does this all add up to? Declining demand and declining value.
They will sit there, much like all the NM rifles and the M1D's. Nobody is paying that kind of coin for the condition that most of these rifles are in. Unless there is some reaaaaalllly deep pockets out there.
I'd much rather have Tim build me up a D and have the rest of the coin for ammo.
I really don't understand the kids who frown on the recoil of the Garand. First, when I was a kid we were drawn to the guns with more recoil, it was like a tough guy thing. Shooting rifles with more recoil was kind of like the guy who had the most tackles in the game. Is there no chivalry anymore? Second, the Garand has NO recoil! Are these kids who frown on the recoil just casual clowns who pick up a rifle to shoot once and never again? Anyone who hunts will have had to shoot a "real gun". Try a turkey load, goose load, or other good bird load in a 12 gauge mag, it stings! The damn Garand feels like a BB gun compared to a 3.5" turkey load.
I call sissy on any kid between the ages of 14 and 69 who thinks the Garand has recoil. I might even throw out a more harsh War Room term.
By the way, if any of you are the "sissy" type and think the Garand has recoil, do yourself a favor and put a Smith brake on the end of the thing. Bye bye BB gun recoil.
Tim.. I agree. Many of these kids became interested in Garands because of movies and so on. I would guess that not many of them ever fired a bolt action deer rifle or a 3 1/2 12 ga. magnum goose load (let alone shooting one all day).
There is no recoil on a Sony playstation or at an arcade. That's what these kids are use to....not the real thing.