"Congress didn't go that route, they went the socialist route, like all socialist programs you all are hooked on it. That's cool, you're only human. What's not cool is a socialist organization not allowing equal access to all tax payers."
Most would argue that if it was not for the CMP then a whole lot of rifles would have been destroyed. I guess that is most probably true.
Back when the outcry went up about M1 Rifles being destroyed someone-someplace decided it was all a zero-gain political hot potato so decided to give the M1 unique status as far as disposal went. Other weapons are included but the list is a short one. So, the DCM went away and the franchise was awarded to what we now know as the CMP
As with everything involving the Gov't the Uncle Sugar side of things saw great opportunity. So, like most quasi governmental agencies*** the CMP provides great wages and benefits and a business model that really has no application in the real business world. Run into a bump in the road generally, periodically the rules can be changed to smooth things out.
When the organization started out one could say there was a whole bunch of oversight problems. Occasionally the scab gets ripped off that old wound and the shit hits the fan again. If a person was smart, years ago, and did not even have to be a CMP employee, you could exploit the CMP system well within the spirit of rules. It's possible a bit of a blind eye along with plausible denial was exercised at the CMP in order to keep the rabble quiet with occasional really good deals. No denying it...many, including me were riveted to the CMP website in the early hours of the morning waiting for new listings. Them days are long gone.
It also paid off to befriend a CMP insider, but for the most part nowadays that has become a normal way of life in business no matter what the enterprise. Hard to avoid.
So..........yeah, and in my opinion only, the CMP as of the last few years is pretty much in direct competition with many. Makes it tough on many. There is also a perception that if you bad mouth the CMP you will bring the wrath of one or more of the attached service groups mainly the GCA down on your ass.
So, if anyone cares, ---- my opinion is the CMP should take a bit of a look at some areas that they enter into as far as firearm services. Their purchasing power in regards to aftermarket parts truly rules the roost---good for them with the ability of massive buying power---bad for the small operations who are trying to compete and stay in business.
So, the above is all my opinion. Nothing new---it's all been said many times over the last 10 years or so---just wish the CMP would back off a bit from the empire building and long for the days before the M1 Garand rifle became a simple commodity product.
StandardParts LLC
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