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Thread: Mom chases off thugs with AK high point and police chief says good shooting.

  1. #1
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Mom chases off thugs with AK high point and police chief says good shooting.

    Some may have seen this by now

    The interesting thing said by the Detroit police chief was this "She did the right thing" says Chief James Craig acknowledging the mother gave a verbal warning prior to firing the weapon."

    Notice the parts about the "verbal warning"? Wouldn't it be nice if the police gave a "verbal warning" all the time prior to firing on innocent victims in all their bad shootings? Home invasion in the middle of the night, at the WRONG house, how about a verbal warning boys? Twirling your garden hose nozzle while the police lie in wait and then kill you, how about a verbal warning?

    Why do we have to give a verbal warning and the police do not? Are we somehow more prepared and can take the danger better then the police can? Are we more brave as common citizenry and better equipped for the danger?

    Enough of the double standard, police need to give us verbal warnings before firing on us!

  2. #2
    Moderator Orlando's Avatar
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    You dont need to give verbal warning, just need to be afraid for your life . Thing is if you live in Detroit you should be afraid 24/7
    "I am the master of my unspoken words, and a slave to those that should have remained unspoken. ...

    "Official 2010 Mini-G & 2011 Summer Postal Shoot Biggest Looser"

  3. #3
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    Somebody needs to tell her about golden rods... Did you see the rust on that thing! And give her a class on basic marksmanship. With a carbine at that range those punks should have been swiss cheese...

  4. #4
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    Ak, mostly plastic?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbkf1003 View Post
    Somebody needs to tell her about golden rods... Did you see the rust on that thing! And give her a class on basic marksmanship. With a carbine at that range those punks should have been swiss cheese...
    that rifle must stay under the looked rough..Maybe she did not WANT to kill, just show them she meant business.. But turning loose a bunch of jacked ammo, need to be sure where they go...they Do NOT recommend warning shots around here..

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