I'm looking at buying a replica 1903a4, and was looking for opinions and experience on what's out there.

I'm currently looking at the Gibbs 1903-a4:

Gibbs 1903A4-84 (okay, technically not available yet):

James River Armory 1903A4:

and the Creedmore 1903a4:

Obviously, collectability isn't the key criterion here. I want to have it for target shooting and for vintage milsurp events at my local club range (they're somewhat flexible on "as-issued" rules). Quality of build is most important, accuracy second. I don't want something full of Chinese knockoff parts of questionable metallurgy. And yes, I realize all of the vendors above seem to be using recovered drill receivers.

Please let me know what you think, and if someone knows of better, higher-quality alternatives that won't be budget busters, please let me know.
