You all have heard about the oboombyacare health care website and it's 600 million dollar price tag? I thought I would put this in perspective for some of you, just for laughs.

My first website with the forum cost me $90. Yep, $90! A dumb@ss like me put that baby together in 4 days and it served over 1000 forum members and my business with photos, order forms, blah blah blah blah. It was an ugly website and forum so I thought I'd upgrade a few years later.

My new website with forum cost me with the software and design $650! I could handle thousands of forum members, if we had them, and not miss a beat. I've had one attack on the site since I've owned it and I had it fixed along with redesigning my website again for $300. Of course this also included another forum upgrade. This was done in three days!

If you know what economies of scale are, that's when you get things cheaper when you buy in bulk or do things in large quantities (I'm giving a short layman term for times sake), then the oboombya care site should cost way way less per person served then mine. The government goal, as portrayed in house hearings today, is to handle 50,000 people on line at one time. Well gee whiz Wally, let's figure this out shall we?

Take my paltry site and let's do some math and give a little and take a little to keep it fair.

My site which can handle about 1000 people on the forum at one time along with my sales site which can do the same for a grand total with upgrades and redesign of about $1000.

We need to handle 50x more people so let's call it $50,000 to do the job. This is for the government though and we need the very best security so let's add another $50,000. We also need more pages along with some math equations so I'll add another $50,000. I get $150,000 for this $hitty @ss web site. Now take into account economies of scale for doing this all at once and I'd bet I could get it done for about $120,000.

Now some of you may think me nuts, simple minded, or at least simply thinking. I would argue that I probably am but I am also a guy who CAN do and get things done. How much do you think that Amazon paid to get their website done? Amazon's site is far more complex and has WAY more horsepower than any government site ever thought of. Do any of you think that Amazon spent $600,000,000.00 on their fricking website? Uh, NO!

So here we are, how in the &@#$ did our government manage to spend this kind of money on a site that can't work as good as mine when it's infested by hackers? Even when mine got hacked it worked better then oboombya care.

Seriously, who in the $%^& is running this show? Are any of you outraged that this much money was spent over 3 years and there is no product? Then, to top it off our government says that they can fix it in less than two months when it took them 3 years to get NOTHING.

Guys, if you all learn anything from any of this crap it is that our government can be trusted to do NOTHING but wage war. War involves breaking stuff and spending all the money you can to break the most stuff. Our founders knew the feds could handle that.