
Your exactly right on the laws, and deciding if the Mag is worth loosing the other features. I'm not too concerned at this point on the bayonet lug so we'll forget about it for the sake of decision making. What I'm looking for is a center mounted scope on a Mini-G. Just because, no real reason. Just to put some holes in paper, maybe hunting at some point (4 or possibly 2 legged predators). So my options are 30-06 Mini-G w/ holbrook device or Magfed Mini-G in 308.

I prefer 30-06 (Only have to stock one Caliber, a bit more velocity, ect), and would like a muzzle brake (want to make sure my neighbors at the range go deaf), which if I go mag fed 308 I loose because of NY's stupid laws.

The question is really if the holbrook device is too cumbersome to load or not with the CASM mount. If it's not then I'm leaning towards 30-06 with holbrook...

I guess the happy median might be to go 308 Mini-G w/Holbrook, keep the lug and brake, but if it's too much of a pain to load send it back in for the 'change'....

