I'm voting for Trump. You can flame me if you want to. Yes, Trump is crude and that is putting it mildly. obamy and hildabeast have charm and look what that has got us. The people voted for Trump in the primaries because they are sick and tired of the crappy loser candidates the republican national committee keeps giving us. People also complain about career politicians and special interest buying politicians. Trump is an outsider and now people complain about that.

Pennsylvania has not gone republican in a presidential election since Bush in 1988. The liberal sewers of philadelphia and pittsburgh outvote the rest of the state.
You usually see an equal number of presidential candidate posters everywhere. This year I am only seeing Trump posters in the rural areas. Maybe this year the rural areas can outvote the liberal strongholds.

Also, stop listening to pravda/ the liberal media. Do you think pravda is going to highlight and promote Trumps's good qualities ???? Do you really believe that pravda is going exploit hillary's flaws ?????

The worst thing you can do is give up. If you give up, you automatically lose. liberals don't give up. A lot of liberal special interest groups hate hilliay for her position on some issues and on how she voted. However, they will still vote for her because of they are liberals and want liberal policies to continue.
So if you don't vote at all because of Trump, you are voting for hillary.
So, if you vote for another candidate because of Trump, you are voting for hillary.

We know hillary and her policies will destroy the country. We don't know what will happen if Trump gets it, but can it really be worse than hillary ?