Here is an M95M Steyr that I completed a few years ago. I bought the rifle from a guy on Except for the "sporterized" stock, all the numbers
match on this rifle, including the bolt and bolt head. I first read about this rifle in the book about Serbian Mausers. An interesting conversion that was done to a bunch of M95 rifles prior to WWII. This feeds a little rough, but it shoots pretty well, with recoil being robust.
Replacing the stock was a challenge. Most were fitted from M95 long rifle stocks. I thought I would have to do that and purchased a long stock in anticipation. After a little back and forth with Numrich, who listed the correct stock in their catalog, but had sent me the incorrect stock, I spoke with them on the phone and described what I needed that they had listed. I received a correctly inletted stock for this rifle, which I proceeded to refinish with just light sanding, steel wool and Birchwood Casey walnut stain and true oil. I used the top wood from a Yugo Mauser and the front handguard was cut down from a Steyr M95. The two pieces join together under the lower band. Came out pretty nice.
Oh.....the Luger in the photo is a Erfurt 1912 with unit markings.