Well, try to communicate more effectively then.

No, I am not trying to say there are no liars in politics. It has been long demonstrated that liars abound in politics going back to infinity. The problem is, there are some things you just dont lie about. You just dont do certain things and when you do them, you get zapped. For politicians, one thing they sometimes do or talk about doing is screw around with the United States Constitution. Thats something they are not supposed to tell lies about, its bad form and bad juju for a politician. When and if they do, they can get zapped.

When Trump campaigns hard like he did on support for the 2A in 2016 and I vote for him. And then he demonstrates by actions and words that he is at most a lukewarm supporter of the Second Amendment, thats more than lying. Thats something else. Hence I have the right to call him on it and not vote repeatedly for Trump. I abhore "incremental gun control." Others call it "death of a thousand cuts." I have some other names for it that are legal descriptions Im not going into. Nikita Kruschev pounded his shoe on his podium in the early sixties while exclaiming into his podium, "we will bury you." Kruschev also claimed the USA would be destroyed from the inside, from internal political changes brought about by American voters and American politicians. I am seeing this sort of thing and dont care for it.

As for saying "just dont listen if you dont like being lied to," thats a simpleton thing to tell me. Its also smartass sounding, but coming from you I take everything you say with a huge grain of salt. Its just not realistic for me to "just not listen." Im a political person, my impression of you is you are bored by politics beyond a surface level political interest. Nothing wrong with that. Thats you, it takes all kinds. You dont come over as an academic type to me.

My impression of you is you are a sports fan and like working with your hands and have some IT skills and you have some rebellious tendencies...its probably best the military turned you down way back...for whatever reason. Admin, medical such as you had a concussion or two from ice hockey, flunked a drug test at MEPS, admitted you smoked weed while during standardized questioning at MEPS, had minor youthful incidents with the law, whatever it was.

Either way, on a different and friendlier note, I congratulate you on earning more leg points and being close to becoming a Distinguished Rifleman. That is quite an accomplishment that Im confident you will achieve relatively soon. It appears the rules change regarding to optics is helping middle age guys make Distinguished a bit easier. Since the U.S. military has gone to low power optics as standardized, I think its important a Distinguished Rifleman be competent with low power optics such as the CMP changed things to.

Best Wishes,


Quote Originally Posted by canes7 View Post
Are you trying to say there are no liars in politics? All I said was if you don’t like being lied to, don’t listen.