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Thread: Are Murderers And Other Criminals Entitled To Own Firearms?

  1. #1
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Are Murderers And Other Criminals Entitled To Own Firearms?

    Me and Tim have been kicking this one around for a while. Murders, rapists, and all sorts of criminals aren't allowed to possess firearms. Well, why aren't they? If a murderer serves his sentence and is released shouldn't they be guaranteed the same rights as you and I? Shouldn't they be allowed to protect their property, themselves, and their family's?
    My brother-in-law was robbed and shot by two underprivileged inner city young men. He died about 2 hours later leaving behind my sister-in-law, my niece and my nephew. The two young men served about 3 years-give or take. Obviously the system feels that they are rehabilitated and paid their debt, so shouldn't they be afforded the same rights as everyone else?

    Another thought on the subject.
    My sister-in-law has been a total train wreck since the incident but it was partially my brother-in-laws fault. He only had about $80 on him which angered the noble inner city young men. Why don't we pass a law requiring all people to carry enough money on them to satiate muggers? If it saves just one life wouldn't it be worth it?
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

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  2. #2
    Infidel dogboysdad's Avatar
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    Perhaps your governor could sponsor such a bill. Maybe the state could issue a coupon to be carried by taxpayers that could be turned in by non-taxpayers for money, cigarettes, and alcohol?
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  3. #3
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Eric, you're brilliant! But I am ever more brilliant still. How about we issue jostlers those card swiping devices to fit their free obamasmartphones? That way if we don't have enough cash on us to satisfy the proud inner city princes we can simply pay by credit or debit? If it saves one life...........
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  4. #4
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    PTC, I assume your kidding about these thugs having rights??????

  5. #5
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckshot85 View Post
    PTC, I assume your kidding about these thugs having rights??????

    If someone has served their sentence, are they not entitled to the Bill or Rights? If they are not deemed to be fit to self protection, why are they released into society and allowed to be your next door neighbor?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    why are they released into society and allowed to be your next door neighbor?
    That is what you should be questioning.

  7. #7
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckshot85 View Post
    That is what you should be questioning.
    This is my premise. If someone should not be allowed to the Bill of Rights, they should not be allowed into society. This takes us to the next piece, why do we have background checks for firearms? Everyone in our society is protected under the Bill or Rights, are they not? The only way to deem someone unfit for firearm ownership is if they are incarcerated.

    Why are we doing background checks then? Everyone in society is either rehabilitated or a free man right?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    This is my premise. If someone should not be allowed to the Bill of Rights, they should not be allowed into society. This takes us to the next piece, why do we have background checks for firearms? Everyone in our society is protected under the Bill or Rights, are they not? The only way to deem someone unfit for firearm ownership is if they are incarcerated.

    Why are we doing background checks then? Everyone in society is either rehabilitated or a free man right?
    I do not disagree with the background check.
    People are now being released early from prison, not beacuase they are deemed rehabilitated, because of overcrowding. They are still criminals, just to a lesser degree because of the crime against society that they committed. I am all for, if you commit a violent crime against our society, you are no longer a contributing member, you are a detriment. You should not have the same rights as others. A murderer, rapist, etc... gets out of prison, buys a few firearms, moves next door to you and has his fine, upstanding buddies making your neighborhood home, your completely comfortable with this?

  9. #9
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckshot85 View Post
    I do not disagree with the background check.
    People are now being released early from prison, not beacuase they are deemed rehabilitated, because of overcrowding. They are still criminals, just to a lesser degree because of the crime against society that they committed. I am all for, if you commit a violent crime against our society, you are no longer a contributing member, you are a detriment. You should not have the same rights as others. A murderer, rapist, etc... gets out of prison, buys a few firearms, moves next door to you and has his fine, upstanding buddies making your neighborhood home, your completely comfortable with this?
    So, the background check is a "reasonable" infringement on the 2nd Amendment?

    The argument on the released criminal is not being couched to my argument. I'm arguing that the criminal, who is not safe for society, should not have been released in the first place. That person does not need a gun to make me not want them as my neighbor.

    The argument here is really that people shouldn't be being released in the first place if they are not fit to be your neighbor.

  10. #10
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckshot85 View Post
    I do not disagree with the background check.
    People are now being released early from prison, not beacuase they are deemed rehabilitated, because of overcrowding. They are still criminals, just to a lesser degree because of the crime against society that they committed. I am all for, if you commit a violent crime against our society, you are no longer a contributing member, you are a detriment. You should not have the same rights as others. A murderer, rapist, etc... gets out of prison, buys a few firearms, moves next door to you and has his fine, upstanding buddies making your neighborhood home, your completely comfortable with this?
    Well then, have a Constitutional Convention and amend the Constitution so that criminals are no longer afforded rights. Until then, either keep them in prison, execute them, or re-instate them as citizens with full rights. Obviously economics play a big part in how long we choose to incarcerate criminals so how about this for an idea? Sub-contract out prisons to low bid. If a private contractor can house a criminal for 1/4 of the current cost for the same money we can incarcerate 4x's the amount of perps or keep them in jail 4x's as long. A win-win as I see it.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

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