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Thread: Obama Executive Order to End the CMP

  1. #11
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    Tim, please explain further. What do you mean by "business models", and how are they being lost?

    KK, if my business model is to buy old mosin's, FAL kits, 9mm's, Garand's, Carbine's, over seas and now I cannot buy these items over seas, how can I make any money? My business model is dead. Now, this law appears to focus on the reimporting of US made arms but I don't believe that for a minute. People's lives are ruined by laws like this and my life may very well be one of them. If US martial arms cannot get their way back home then I lose customers who want to restore them, modify them, re-barrel them.

    This law is a direct afront to my business and my business supports my entire local post office directly. I am pretty sure that my economic footprint in my community is substantial, it may no longer be so and only because one beast of a sub human has declared it such. May it get the bone cancer soon.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    KK, if my business model is to buy old mosin's, FAL kits, 9mm's, Garand's, Carbine's, over seas and now I cannot buy these items over seas, how can I make any money? My business model is dead. Now, this law appears to focus on the reimporting of US made arms but I don't believe that for a minute. People's lives are ruined by laws like this and my life may very well be one of them. If US martial arms cannot get their way back home then I lose customers who want to restore them, modify them, re-barrel them.

    This law is a direct afront to my business and my business supports my entire local post office directly. I am pretty sure that my economic footprint in my community is substantial, it may no longer be so and only because one beast of a sub human has declared it such. May it get the bone cancer soon.
    OK, I understand now. I just wasn't clear on what "business model" you were referring too. Just to play Devil's Advocate, wouldn't blocking CMP from obtaining these firearms also cripple your business? I am guessing that the vast majority of the M1 rifles and carbines that you re-park were purchased from CMP by others, which either helped you establish your business, or at least enhanced it. My point here is that every time a Government restriction is imposed, even if it was on only one business, it has a domino effect on all other like businesses. The extreme example of this is the Affordable Healthcare Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare. As more parts of this Bill are implemented, it has a ripple effect not only through the Healthcare Industry, but through the entire Business Community.

  3. #13
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    Back in the 1980's when it was one M1 in a lifetime from the DCM, and before the first big import of M1 Garand rifles happened a couple of companies produced Garand receivers. Most were crap, but the Springfield (Geneseo) version was petty well done. Just like the market drives the M14 semi-auto receivers, I'm thinking that once GI Garand "donor" rifles dry up, which is still down the road a bit, if there is enough market Garand receivers will be produced. It also may be a bit of a generational thing, and it just may be that the M14 clone demand is greater. The other wild card is that the CMP seems to have decided to run a "pro shop". Am curious to see if they hold back rifles and or receivers to supply their own business. The fact is that the CMP competes directly with many in the rifle market. They most definitely have a monopoly as far as the Garand business goes which puts most builders/shops at an obvious disadvantage.

  4. #14
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    OK, I understand now. I just wasn't clear on what "business model" you were referring too. Just to play Devil's Advocate, wouldn't blocking CMP from obtaining these firearms also cripple your business? I am guessing that the vast majority of the M1 rifles and carbines that you re-park were purchased from CMP by others, which either helped you establish your business, or at least enhanced it. My point here is that every time a Government restriction is imposed, even if it was on only one business, it has a domino effect on all other like businesses. The extreme example of this is the Affordable Healthcare Act, commonly referred to as Obamacare. As more parts of this Bill are implemented, it has a ripple effect not only through the Healthcare Industry, but through the entire Business Community.
    You're not playing devils advocate at all, I would have to care more about my profit then I do about our government implementing cronyism, I do not. It is high time that folks quit looking out for themselves and start looking out for their kids and what is right. cronyism is leading to the destruction of this country and I couldn't possibly care any less who it benefits. All of us should be treated the same under equal protection under the law. That the CMP is allowed to profit, pay its high salaries, provide great wealth to its employees and some private company must fail is absolute BS!

    If the CMP cannot get its rifles then I would surely suffer. If some importer cannot get its guns then I will surely suffer. I will not choose one over the other so that I can suffer less. If the CMP is targeted under this edict by the great satan then more of us will speak against it and try to stop it. This is what we need, a united voice.

    Isn't everyone tired of our government picking winners and losers? If you are, quit being part of the problem and look past what just benefits you. I am that guy who will cut off my nose to spite my face, are you?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    You're not playing devils advocate at all, I would have to care more about my profit then I do about our government implementing cronyism, I do not. It is high time that folks quit looking out for themselves and start looking out for their kids and what is right. cronyism is leading to the destruction of this country and I couldn't possibly care any less who it benefits. All of us should be treated the same under equal protection under the law. That the CMP is allowed to profit, pay its high salaries, provide great wealth to its employees and some private company must fail is absolute BS!

    If the CMP cannot get its rifles then I would surely suffer. If some importer cannot get its guns then I will surely suffer. I will not choose one over the other so that I can suffer less. If the CMP is targeted under this edict by the great satan then more of us will speak against it and try to stop it. This is what we need, a united voice.

    Isn't everyone tired of our government picking winners and losers? If you are, quite being part of the problem and look past what just benefits you. I am that guy who will cut off my nose to spite my face, are you?

    Tim,. Very well stated about the government picking winners and losers.

  6. #16
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    I've had discussions with Tim regarding my simplistic views of economics. I still believe that the only real economy is one with a product. To me it has to be tangible. Right now fortunes are made and lost on speculation and nothing concrete. In the final analysis, to me our economy is nothing more than a casino game.

    As far as people like Tim and Greg, Jim Yocum, and all the other small businesses that depend on milsurp work for their livelihoods-they are nothing more than virgins to be sacrificed to the sandy hook political volcano. The fact that these small businesses support other small businesses and so on and so on is irrelevant to the vote grabbers. Anyway, I'm selling off my "milsurp industry futures" and investing heavily in pork belly.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  7. #17
    Patriot Roadkingtrax's Avatar
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    Punch The Clown;38565 Anyway, I'm selling off my "milsurp industry futures" and investing heavily in pork belly.
    Thought that was orange juice...

    What is the plan after the finite resources of the Military Surplus dry up? What is the natural course of events.

    Speaking directly to the product, whether through illegal attacks on our constitution or other countries just destroying them...what happens then? The business model changes to something else perhaps?

    What about phosphate finishes for other parts not firearm related? Aerospace, industrial, etc.?
    Last edited by Roadkingtrax; 08-31-2013 at 04:31 PM.

  8. #18
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roadkingtrax View Post
    Thought that was orange juice...
    No, pork belly.

    You always find the most appropriate pictures.

    What about phosphate finishes for other parts not firearm related? Aerospace, industrial, etc.?
    Yeah, I see the need for a 150 year old finish for the space program.
    Last edited by Punch The Clown; 08-31-2013 at 05:19 PM.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  9. #19
    War Room Ready
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    The Army donates the riffles to the CMP. And, I am sure there is twelve miles of red tape they go thru to do so. The powers that be could step in at any time and say "No, destroy them". Much like Billy "Blow Me" Clinton did. The good thing about an executive order is it isn't writing in stone and can be throwing out with the next to follow. Here's the thing, Orest has already made statements over the years they know who has what and that is where they'll probable stay. The question has always been what comes next after the Garands are gone. Answer has always been "Oh, we have plenty" up till mid 2012 when Orest was asked again and he side step the next and put a time frame of about 5 years with current stock. That was before Newtown, so who knows how many years were knocked off from the rush. The CMP's days of selling firearms on any scale were numbered anyway. The order bans military arms that were sold to other countries and bans the importing of US military property by a private entity. It does not ban the military from bringing back its property or even buying it back. Plus, it does not ban any public entity from doing so and doing what they will with them. I am sorry to say the army can still receive back its lend-lease arms and donate them to the CMP if it wants to unless ordered otherwise. And, even when they have been ordered to destroy arms in the past, they have a beautiful way of dragging there feet and misplacing 1000's of crates for years.

  10. #20
    Founding Member seaninmich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttwn0324 View Post
    Ptlus, it does not ban any public entity from doing so and doing what they will with them. I am sorry to say the army can still receive back its lend-lease arms and donate them to the CMP if it wants to unless ordered otherwise. .
    Cmp is a private 501.c.3

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