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Thread: Running out of parts?

  1. #1
    Patriot Roadkingtrax's Avatar
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    Running out of parts?

    So, what is worse...the guys that buy parts every day, or the guys that think the CMP should always have parts in stock for their OWN needs?

    Hmm...I haven't purchased any...but I don't see how either scenario is fair.

  2. #2
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Those suck-ups just spooged all over my monitor. I have to take a shower.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

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  3. #3
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Roadking, didn't you get the memo? It's only hoarding and bad apples when it's someone else doing the buying. The cmp set the limits and the rules, did they think that those who wanted the parts are stupid? As a quasi government agency, the can never outsmart free men.

    Oh, and the marksmanship programs is not what's important to 98% of cmp customers. Getting cheap stuff when THEY want it and at THEIR perceived notion of "cheap" is what's important.

    The marksmanship program is what's important when the cmp competes with private vendors with free taxpayer inventory.

    Having cheap stuff in quantity is what's important when it comes to what's being sold and stocked.

  4. #4
    Patriot Roadkingtrax's Avatar
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    Wonder if they will limit CMP logo'd gag-balls too?

    Getting pretty rich on that thread.

  5. #5
    Junior Cadet
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    The CMP just sent an email out that effective immediately, you can only buy six of any one part per calendar year.

  6. #6
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    Aw gheez. Rationing. First it was "only 2 per order" (guess an order for 2,785 extractors tasked Orest's patience). Now 6 of any one part per year. BUT---of course---it's OK for a cash rich CMP to bludgeon other vendors when they tender quotes for 10K parts at a time. Up side is so far a guy can buy 12 parts sets per year. So far. Like this quote: "Thanks for understanding that our intent is to provide a service to all 300,000 of our customers, not just a select few.".....But really is it...the 300.000 customers who provide a really good living for just a select few?
    Last edited by ordmm; 12-19-2013 at 02:17 AM.

  7. #7
    Founding Member seaninmich's Avatar
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    pretty sure I'll get that thread locked or deleted.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortround View Post
    The CMP just sent an email out that effective immediately, you can only buy six of any one part per calendar year.
    Well i did buy one of each, just in case i got to build my .308 rifle or cracked something..Wish they had the recievers again, need another one..garanatitus only lets you get a breathe every so often.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by seaninmich View Post
    pretty sure I'll get that thread locked or deleted.

    Naw, they will let it run. I really think Orest plays to the base with some things. Always easier to throw out "it's for the good of the marksmanship program". Kinda like teachers who always played the "it's for the kids" crap at contract time. Basically true statements I guess if you take away the lust for personal gain. Nothing lost on the CMP's part. Probably nobody really knows the quantities of what they are sitting on, other than those inside the CMP. Hell, you could sell tickets to view the warehouse stacked to the ceiling with crates even if they were empty and you would still see posts swearing that they were given a peak at new old stock mint Gatling guns or somesuch thing. If it's easier, or a better deal for the CMP they can dump what they want for $$$ or trade for what they need which is simply good business on their part. For whatever reason they underpriced some of the parts that had been in short supply for some time. The op-catch is a good example and should have been $25. to $30. instead of $15.00. Cripes, I don't think you could have the op-catch made in the U.S. for less than what they are selling them for. All's they have to do is raise the price on about 6 parts and their sales staff will be able to kick back and enjoy their coffee.
    Last edited by ordmm; 12-19-2013 at 11:00 AM.

  10. #10
    War Room Ready
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    The CMP just needs to drop the requirements to buy from them, hire more armourer's to reduce delivery time, sort & categorize the parts (so one can order the correct parts for their riffle) and a big ad campaign. Basic fact is someone is not going to go through the hassle to buy from the CMP just for a few parts they need or even for a riffle. Question is have they flooded the market with parts and lowered the retail prices, not from what I've seen.

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