I'm sure you've all heard about this incident. Some kids parents didn't pay their bill for school lunch and the school took back the lunches that were already served to the violators and threw them away in front of everyone. I don't think that was a good way to handle it BUT the kids should have never gotten the lunches in the first place.
All this drama about the national school lunch debate can be solved very very easily, NO more school lunches! Here's a tip, pack your own damn lunch! Keep the government out of lunch period! This means that even the "poor" need to pack their own damn lunch, no more free lunches.
"No child in Utah should ever be hungry in a classroom," sate Sens. Jim Dabakis and Todd Weiler, said in a joint statement released Thursday. "The most basic component of learning is a full stomach."
The pair held a news conference outside the school today, before visiting the students.
"To me this rises to the level of bullying," Weiler said, according to the Tribune.
What a bunch of crap! Drama to spare about some kids who still got a snack after their free lunch was thrown away. The grade school I went to had no school lunch program, we packed our own lunch and somehow we all survived. A nation of wimps.