Now if he also announces that he has syph of the bunghole it will be happy day---Old peirs says part of it is due to his anti-gun stance.....
Now if he also announces that he has syph of the bunghole it will be happy day---Old peirs says part of it is due to his anti-gun stance.....
Good riddance to him and I hope He gets incurable anal cancer and goes very slowly better yet deport him back to the UK and see with Anal Cancer how good the Socialized Medicine is.
I hope he (it) and Anderson Cooper swallow each other.
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VFW life member.
NRA life member.
You'd think he would of admitted we have a 2nd Amendment due to former British rule, illegal search & seizure, invading of Colonials homes, unfair taxation etc. He's British you say? No............
When will he be Removed, Or am i watch old programing..I had hoped he was already flying back to the mother land..Og.