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Thread: -1 Bolts worth anything?

  1. #11
    Patriot jason60chev's Avatar
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    Has been my experience that when buying something unique with a higher price, I want to know it IS exactly what is being presenting and justifying the price. I would examine every inch of the item and, if necessary, consult a reference book ( I often take them to gun shows with me). On the other end, I have seen seller get impatient and or not allowing people to thorough inspect their high price and supposedly unique item, rather you just shut up, stop asking questions and pay their price and "trust" them, without a review or return policy.

    I often see high prices asked for stuff on GunBroker and at gun shows that I just have to scratch my head about.

  2. #12
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Jason your description of folks who buy some of the more rare items seems accurate. Nobody knows this except a very few but I do have many parts, especially follower parts, barrels and oprods. I do not sell the stuff though because I am absolutely not willing to set up a photo booth and take picture after picture of an item, then get the emails asking for another group of pictures, and so forth.

    What I do is sell my parts off to the poor saps who are willing to take all those pictures, answer all those emails, take all those calls, then process the return when some guy finds a hidden "nick", "ding", or "dent" in the corner of a follower or is unhappy with how the original color was described.

    It takes all kinds but I do not have the patience, as you described perfectly, to deal with that kind. It's not good or bad, you just have to have all the different folks out there matched up with the kind of person who will cater to them.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    It takes all kinds but I do not have the patience, as you described perfectly, to deal with that kind. It's not good or bad, you just have to have all the different folks out there matched up with the kind of person who will cater to them.

    "Patience" is a virtue, something I lack, especially when it comes to gun parts.

    Used to bring large quantities to shows and what I had was either "too light", "too dark", "not enough green", "too nice-need honest wear", "too much wear-need NOS", "wrong revision"....and on, and on, and on. When the color of Parkerizing-finish condition-vintage all came into play then usually, price quoted was followed by "how much?".

    A few years ago found the solution was to dump all the parts in the Trinco and blast them all and let Toby sort them out.

    Things became a whole lot easier at that point.

  4. #14
    Patriot jason60chev's Avatar
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    Many people at guns shows, if they cannot actually steal it from you, will come up with all kinds of excuses, after looking at the item extensively and with great interest, to be offended by your fair and legitimate asking price. Just because it is a gun show, doesn;t mean all sales are at a 50% discount.

  5. #15
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    I've never understood why people would think it would be cheap to buy at a gun show. I do not do gun shows but I have gone to help at them. The cost to do gun shows is outrageous! You have the show price per table, fuel to get there, drive time, hotel cost, food, there is absolutely NO motive to sell at a show if you are actually trying to make money. Now, if the goal is to lose a few dollars and have a fun time, I get it.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    I've never understood why people would think it would be cheap to buy at a gun show. I do not do gun shows but I have gone to help at them. The cost to do gun shows is outrageous! You have the show price per table, fuel to get there, drive time, hotel cost, food, there is absolutely NO motive to sell at a show if you are actually trying to make money. Now, if the goal is to lose a few dollars and have a fun time, I get it.
    Things have changed a lot over the last 5 or 10 years. Internet has had a lot to do with it I guess along with the fact that for the most part quantities of military surplus parts is down to stems and seeds for the most part. All of which makes selection limited and prices higher.

    But----There was a time that doing Friday night setups a person would be running harvesting big lots as they rolled in. Up until a few years ago at one show a person could just about spend all their money in the parking lot waiting to get in for set up. Only reason to have tables for the most part........

    Deals are still out there of course but usually the deal is done without having to spend a three day weekend behind a table.

    And yeah, there is the social interaction part of it. Nothing wrong with that and enjoying a dinner, drinks, and war stories with fellow gun people.

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