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Thread: Anybody still support Trump?

  1. #41
    War Room Ready
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    Quoted from a similar thread a year or so ago, but perhaps still applicable.......

    "I don't know why (after all my years on the planet it shouldn't) but it continues to amaze me how many times you can swat a puppy and it will go back and pee in the same place. And then still look at you seeking approval.
    And seemingly forget entirely that you swatted it just yesterday."

  2. #42
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    Lets see I asked you a question and you answered me with some line of bs.

    YEP! Definitely you are in the military or ex military and NOPE, definitely you were not/are not a Commissioned Officer. Because if you ask a Commissioned Officer a straight question normally you will get a straight answer back, without some line of bs. Gotta be an ex NCO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob W View Post
    Quoted from a similar thread a year or so ago, but perhaps still applicable.......

    "I don't know why (after all my years on the planet it shouldn't) but it continues to amaze me how many times you can swat a puppy and it will go back and pee in the same place. And then still look at you seeking approval.
    And seemingly forget entirely that you swatted it just yesterday."
    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  3. #43
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    I have recently been asked a series of profound questions. They prompted me to embark upon a life-altering quest for deep-seated answers. In searching out my own truths, I have inadvertently obtained a newly felt compassion for those less fortunate than myself. My broadened horizons have, however, produced some unfortunately sad questions of my own. With my eyes freshly opened, I find myself wondering what life must be like for them.

    Is it dark and damp in the seedy apartment or dilapidated hotel room in which they are forced to live?
    Do they struggle to participate here and read their Obamaphones under the dim light afforded by a single incandescent bulb suspended by an extension cord?
    Is the food they can prepare on a hotplate adequately nourishing to provide attentive brain function?
    Do they find it difficult to obtain worthwhile employment, forced to register as sex offenders, or is a new and more liberal society more forgiving and allowing of minimum wage jobs?
    Has the current administration cut mental health funding to the point they cannot obtain their desperately needed medications? And if so, is there no parole officer or court appointed psychiatrist or even welfare worker who has noticed the profound change in their personalities?
    Having been rejected from the military due to their psych eval, criminal records or gross physical disfigurements, or claiming no military association, have they acquired an unusual fascination with the military vernacular of the brotherhood that excludes them so viciously? Or have they accepted in some way their ostracizing is of their own making?
    Do they speak of themselves in the third person or develop several different identities as in multiple personality disorder?
    Do they envision a delusional past with imagined happy family relationships or confront the abusive and neglected histories which are probably to blame for their dismal existence?

    Will they actually publish their manifesto before they lose their grasp on the last threads of reality so that an authority will notice and save us from the heinous act they must undoubtedly eventually perpetrate?
    Or will the good Lord be merciful and allow them a quiet suicide with insignificant effect on their surroundings?

    These and oh, so many more unanswered questions now haunt my very being.

  4. #44
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    Wow, I must have really hit you close to the mark to receive a reply like this one. Dr. Bob, has anyone told you that you project onto others real bad? I hope you go see the doctor soon so you dont worry yourself to death over these things you have posted in. They make medications to treat individuals such as yourself.

    God Bless,


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob W View Post
    I have recently been asked a series of profound questions. They prompted me to embark upon a life-altering quest for deep-seated answers. In searching out my own truths, I have inadvertently obtained a newly felt compassion for those less fortunate than myself. My broadened horizons have, however, produced some unfortunately sad questions of my own. With my eyes freshly opened, I find myself wondering what life must be like for them.

    Is it dark and damp in the seedy apartment or dilapidated hotel room in which they are forced to live?
    Do they struggle to participate here and read their Obamaphones under the dim light afforded by a single incandescent bulb suspended by an extension cord?
    Is the food they can prepare on a hotplate adequately nourishing to provide attentive brain function?
    Do they find it difficult to obtain worthwhile employment, forced to register as sex offenders, or is a new and more liberal society more forgiving and allowing of minimum wage jobs?
    Has the current administration cut mental health funding to the point they cannot obtain their desperately needed medications? And if so, is there no parole officer or court appointed psychiatrist or even welfare worker who has noticed the profound change in their personalities?
    Having been rejected from the military due to their psych eval, criminal records or gross physical disfigurements, or claiming no military association, have they acquired an unusual fascination with the military vernacular of the brotherhood that excludes them so viciously? Or have they accepted in some way their ostracizing is of their own making?
    Do they speak of themselves in the third person or develop several different identities as in multiple personality disorder?
    Do they envision a delusional past with imagined happy family relationships or confront the abusive and neglected histories which are probably to blame for their dismal existence?

    Will they actually publish their manifesto before they lose their grasp on the last threads of reality so that an authority will notice and save us from the heinous act they must undoubtedly eventually perpetrate?
    Or will the good Lord be merciful and allow them a quiet suicide with insignificant effect on their surroundings?

    These and oh, so many more unanswered questions now haunt my very being.
    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  5. #45
    War Room Ready
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    Hmmmm....Very interesting, from a clinical standpoint of course.

    I fear I may need an entirely new pen name.

    I wonder why it thought I was referring to itself?
    Oh well, I'm afraid that although this has been mildly entertaining I would like to leave the conversation before it devolves to an entirely schoolyard manner.
    It seems to have reached the "neener-neener" or the ever popular "I know you are but what am I?" stage.
    I will stop supplying the stimulus so that it may leave on its annual hibernation only to return in a fresh and further state of deterioration next year or so.
    I apologize to the remainder of the forum for delaying its inevitable departure.
    Last edited by Bob W; 10-21-2019 at 05:19 PM.

  6. #46
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    Hi Bob,

    I appreciate the chance to let me self incriminate myself. And vice versa. Thank you.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob W View Post
    Hmmmm....Very interesting, from a clinical standpoint of course.

    I fear I may need an entirely new pen name.

    I wonder why it thought I was referring to itself?
    Oh well, I'm afraid that although this has been mildly entertaining I would like to leave the conversation before it devolves to an entirely schoolyard manner.
    It seems to have reached the "neener-neener" or the ever popular "I know you are but what am I?" stage.
    I will stop supplying the stimulus so that it may leave on its annual hibernation only to return in a fresh and further state of deterioration next year or so.
    I apologize to the remainder of the forum for delaying its inevitable departure.
    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  7. #47
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    For Dr. Bob a bit of comedy:

    Diagnosing a liberal
    Last edited by MrTwistedFock; 10-21-2019 at 06:18 PM.
    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  8. #48
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    So on a different note .......... how about them Astros?

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpotOne View Post
    So on a different note .......... how about them Astros?
    So who is voting for Trump a second time?
    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  10. #50
    Junior Cadet Zorba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrTwistedFock View Post
    So who is voting for Trump a second time?
    I am.

    While I don't agree with everything he does (such as 2A concerns expressed here), as far as I'm concerned he's the best thing to happen to the GOP in a very long time. As a "Right-leaning Libertarian", I have severe problems with portions of the post-Reagan GOP platform. I also have even more severe problems with the Democratic platform - the way I see it, both parties are 1/3rd right, and 2/3rds wrong. So to paraphrase "Treebeard", I'm not really on anybody's "side" because nobody is really on mine! Choose your slavery wisely, America - because both major parties are only interested in their brand of slavery.
    "The Veiled Male"

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