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Thread: New York Rifle vs NY City SCOTUS

  1. #1
    War Room Ready
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    New York Rifle vs NY City SCOTUS

    Comes before the Supreme Court next week- Interesting because before he died this year Justice Stevens revealed some of the deliberations of Heller, and that Justice Kennedy added some restrictions to the opinion that Heller not be used to "cast doubt" upon other existing gun laws.
    Now with Kennedy retired and a 5-4 majority, Kavanaugh may intend to restructure that framework to possibly open a few doors. In any case, first really valuable gun bill in SCOTUS in a while. Although some of the following laws NYC passed including allowing the extension of "privilege" and a bill to prevent reversion to previous laws to cover their ass, SCOTUS has hung on to the case to prevent NYC from declaring it Moot to slam the door.
    Confusing at first, but worth reading about. Always hard to get hopes up, but.....

    Here's one synopsis link to one opinion/explanation-

    Here's the case, along with several other Symposium, and varied opinions-

  2. #2
    War Room Ready
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    It's today-
    Lib biased article but easiest explanation of the case if you want a quick read- unfortunately iits on MSLSD but NY Times wanted an account to read it
    Last edited by Bob W; 12-02-2019 at 01:32 PM.

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