Originally Posted by
Punch The Clown
So here is where we stand under the progressive liberal takeover of our beloved country. Battle Tested is dead as a door nail. The one site where there were really no limits or restrictions on free speech maybe gets 1 post a week. Other forums I belong to are more active than BT but a ghost of their old selves. A neighborhood site I belong to is owned by mark fuckerberg so anytime I post on there it's about a 80% chance the post will disappear, I will get a two week suspension, or both. My friends (yes I have friends) will no longer talk politics, firearms, or anything that isn't fuck jewmer (did I spell that correctly?)approved on the telephone. My wife unplugged google assistant and alexa after I asked her where the nitrile gloves were and later that day when on the computer I get a pop-up ad for nitrile gloves. She thinks it's too coincidental to be a coincidence. (Thanks Yogi) I think as a free country we are finished.