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Thread: New Guy- Mini Build Plans

  1. #1
    Junior Cadet
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    New Guy- Mini Build Plans

    Hi guys.

    I just want to say thanks for having me here on the forums. I came over from the M14 Forum and M14BR Forum on my quest for a Mini-G. I'm currently working on 2-3 M14 projects, and figured out that I wanted a Mini as well. Plans would be to find a suitable Garand that I can use, and make it slightly more modern. I'm still on the fence about going mag-fed, or keeping it '06. I'm sure if I keep it .30-06 it'll be a hoot to shoot!

    My plans would be as follows: A mini in either .308 or .30-06, fiberglass stock, Ultimak handguard, and some sort of muzzle device. I'm planning on using a Cogburn Arsenal scope mount at the rear, with a low height 1.5X mini ACOG on it. I know people aren't too keen on SEI and some of their former business decisions, but I know their brake and flash hiders work. If I could find one of the long discontinued muzzle brakes from them without the drilled side ports (only the top compensator ports), or the discontinued Vortex flash hider for the Garand, I'd try one of those.

    I managed to pick this stock up- please tell me I didn't do too bad. It was advertised as a Bell and Carlson, but I've had some people tell me it's either an MPI, or a Ramline. Who knows what it is? I'm having troubles uploading photos due to size restrictions, but it has a square cutout in the buttstock storage area, black crinkle-type finish, and "M1 GARAND" printed (looks like raised lettering) inside the forearm just forward of the action.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Nihontochicken's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum! Sorry, can't comment on your stock without pics, but usable synthetic M1 stocks (not the wimpy light brown molded spooge items) are fairly rare nowadays. If looking for a donor Garand, be careful, the current CMP "Special" and "Expert" offerings are anything but, often sporting a Philippine return receiver pitted to hell under the wood line (even above), and the prices being asked on GunBonkers are ridiculous. My advice is to look for a private party sale of a CMP Service Grade unit and be certain to check the internals for pitting.

    As far as caliber, of course it's .308 if going mag fed or considering that as a later mod. If sticking with clip fed, then it's a toss up. More ammo availability with .308 (but not as big a deal nowadays with all the 7.62 milsurp dried up). Yet it's a kick to put the full length action to work with .30-'06, something that even AR-10s can't match. I have one of each, unfortunately can't seem to upload images here like I have in the past, but here's a link to one of them from an earlier post on this forum.

    Good fortune with your build!

    Edit: Re a muzzle brake, if you stay with the Garand gas system, then the Beretta BM59E brake is a good bet (this is not the same as the BM59 brakes that fit the Beretta drop down gas system). The BM59E brake is relatively short and works well, but of course it will preclude you from mounting a bayonet. Link below to The Stock Emporium listing, but currently OOS. also carries these, but the site is down right now. It's possible to pick up one of these on Fleabay or the like.
    Last edited by Nihontochicken; 09-08-2024 at 08:37 PM. Reason: Addition
    Alcohol is the means by which those who are truly intelligent put up with people who merely think they are.

  3. #3
    Junior Cadet
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    Thanks for the advice. Guess my search should start on a good donor. To be honest, I have very little experience with Garands, so receiver selection, what's good, not good, etc. is all a new thing for me.

    I really am leaning towards keeping it clip fed. As I said, I came over from the M14 Forums, and have two built already with 2-3 more in the works. So, going magazine fed isn't a necessity seeing as I have plenty of those to choose from. Plus, I'm trying to keep this one a little more compact and streamlined, and staying within the original design really fits that.

    I need to dig more into what Tim would need for the conversion process. It's going to be a steep learning curve.

  4. #4
    Junior Cadet
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    I tried replying earlier; seems like it didn't post, or "waiting for moderation".

    I tried looking at the link you posted, but it doesn't seem to work for me either.

    Anyhow . . .

    I did just work a trade deal with a local guy, so my base starting off point of a mostly complete rifle should be in my hands on Thursday night. Stock is supposed to show up Thursday or Friday. Just need to get myself a new barrel, and a couple odds and ends.

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